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Mail Call: Video Archive Drives for DIY NAS

With the tax return comes the more expensive projects that exceed the normal monthly budget of The Frugal Filmmaker. This time it was two 5TB external hard drives that I purchased for a video archive that I'm setting up. They arrived today from Newegg.

When I created the Blu-ray Archive video, I got a lot of comments about how unreliable the format is. Several people also mentioned using NAS (Networked Attached Storage), which consists of a drive (or drives) in a special enclosure. I liked the dual drive enclosures as they could be set up as a mirrored RAID, with both drives being copies of each other. If one drive fails, you replace it and the data is restored by the copy.

The only problem I can see with any NAS (other than time) is "catastrophic failure". Since the drives are right next to each other, they are both susceptible to proximity threats like a fire. If one drive is consumed, the second will likely go with it.

So what I wanted was the benefits of NAS without the higher cost or likelihood of mutal destruction. This is why I have the two separate drives of equal size. One will be connected to our main computer that is always on and sits in our living room, connected to a widescreen TV. The clone will be connected another item coming in the mail that will allow me to keep it far as possible from the first drive, thus improving the odds of a proximity attack.

How will I do this (hint: it's not another computer)? And how will I mirror the first drive onto the second? More details when the next package arrives...

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